Wanderer collection: “As my work typically focused on the natural sublime, the vastness and spiritual intensity, I felt the view as a subject needed some attention, to act as a vehicle for relation. From this I reflected on Romantic artists such as Friedrich who used figures to enhance the enormity of the natural sublime but to act as an of story telling and empathy. So essential in this series I play between the intimate and immensity, characters caught in a personal moment in a boundless world.”

      (With all of the sun; with all of the moon,       

    2024, oil on canvas, 75x75cm)      

  (Heron perched above the pond   

    2023, 50x40cm, oil on canvas)   

(Footsteps, 2023, 60x50cm, oil on canvas) 

   (A Vixen appeared, 2023,  

   50x40cm, oil on canvas)   

          (Wandering the otherworldly,         

           2023, 50x60cm, oil on canvas)        

(Forest flower, 2023, 50x60cm, oil on canvas)

   (Self portrait in the otherworldly,  

     2023, 50x40cm, oil on canvas)  

     (Wanderer at the ruins, 2023,  

50x40cm, oil on linen)        

    (At last, 2023, 50x60cm, oil on canvas)