Fragmented and dappled: “I had been wanting to explore the similarity I see between stained glass and landscapes; that celestial illumination lights up the colours and forms revealing a visual representation of interconnectivity. The action of light in stained as well as landscapes creates a unity, a glowing harmony, exposing intricacies of connection and how all are a part of something greater, a bigger image. The role of light is also integral to the atmosphere playing as the overall conveyer of emotion, making me think as I paint; how will the light affect the warmth, the coolness, how is the interaction of colour and light behaving. Ultimately though, this series is to imbue the experience of standing in front of a stained glass window, a painting that like the window the viewer looks and reflects onto rather than looks through.” 

   (Colours collide in a landscape, 2024, oil on canvas,    


      (Moons mirage, 2024, oil on linen,        


             (Stained glass landscape I, 2023,           

           oil on canvas, 70x75cm)