Submergence series:

“A body of work that flows like a body of water, undulating, mysterious, unwavering; capturing the source of endless streams of spirituality represented through seas, waterfalls, waves and lakes.”

  (Empyreal golds flows into ethereal shoals, 2023,   

  200 x 160cm, oil on canvas)  

(Pool of thought, 2023, oil on canvas, 50 x 40cm)

     (Let the waves wash over, 2023, 170 x     

  120cm, oil on canvas)        

     (Water falls as the moon rises, 2023,      

20x30cm, oil on canvas)       

       (Cascade, 2023, 80x 100cm, oil on canvas)       

       (Submerge in serenity, 2022, 240x160cm        

oil on canvas)